Setup Proxmox
Proxmox is an OpenSource virtualization software. The largere nodes are setup with it and the nodes on it virtualized.
Install Proxmox
First create a boot USB stick with Proxmox VE Installer ISO.
Select ZFS as filesystem as it will set the bootloader to systemd-boot instead of GRUB.
First steps on a new Proxmox server
After setting up a new Proxmox server, there are a few things to do before they can be used. Idealy those steps would be automated but ...
Those steps are heavily inspired by techno tim setup article
Edit /etc/apt/sources.list
deb bullseye main contrib
deb bullseye-updates main contrib
# security updates
deb bullseye-security main contrib
# PVE pve-no-subscription repository provided by,
# NOT recommended for production use
deb bullseye pve-no-subscription
Edit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-enterprise.list
BE CAREFUL. This is meant for the storage/longhorn disks as it will wipe it
Then P for partition, then D for delete and W for write.
IOMMU (PCI Passthrough)
First make sure IOMMU is enabled in the BIOS.
nano /etc/kernel/cmdline
Add intel_iommu=on iommu=pt
to the end of this line without line breaks. (for
AMD processors add amd_iommu=on ...
Edit /etc/modules
and add
VLAN Aware
Setup the network interface to handle VLANs.
Add the following lines to the main network interface so all vlans are served over one interface and supports vlan ids from 2 to 4096.
iface vmbr0 inet static
address 192.168.xx.xx/24
gateway 192.168.xx.xx
bridge-vlan-aware yes
bridge-vids 2-4094
Define images:
Setup worker node
First select Create VM
Depending on the usage the parameters may vary. But following is a node which is part of the longhorn storage and has an interface to the internet. The list defines mostly non default values. If nothing else specified take the defaults.
- General:
- Node: pve1-x
- Name: k3sworker
- Start at boot: true
- OS:
- Storage: local
- ISO Image: ubuntu server installer
- System:
- Qemu Agent: true
- Disks:
- disk 1:
- Storage: local
- Size: 128 GB
- Backup: yes
- Skip replication: no
- Discard: yes
- SSD emulation: yes
- disk 2: (for longhorn but passthrough is preferred)
- Storage: virtual
- Size: >512 GB
- Backup: no
- Skip replication: yes
- Discard: yes
- SSD emulation: yes
- disk 1:
- CPU:
- Sockets: 1
- Cores: 2-12
- Memory:
- min 16 GB (16384 MiB)
- opt 32 GB (32768 MiB)
- max 64 GB (65536 MiB) (You can't use all memory, keep 2GB)
- Network:
- net0
- Bridge: vmbr0
- net1
- Bridge: vmbr0
- vlan tag: 99
- net0
Don't forget to define the generated mac address in DHCP
You might have to adjust the boot order for CD to be first.
Disk passthrough
The disks for longhorn, especially the slower ones like HDD, should be attached to the VM directly. Unfortunately there is no way to do this in the Web UI at the moment but proxmox provides quite a good guide for it.
Go through the following steps
- Find right disk
find /dev/disk/by-id/ -type l|xargs -I{} ls -l {}|grep -v -E '[0-9]$' |sort -k11|cut -d' ' -f9,10,11,12
lsblk |awk 'NR==1{print $0" DEVICE-ID(S)"}NR>1{dev=$1;printf $0" ";system("find /dev/disk/by-id -lname \"*"dev"\" -printf \" %p\"");print "";}'|grep -v -E 'part|lvm'
- Add drive as new virtual drive
- Remove drive
GPU Passthrough
As prerequisite you should make sure the onboard graphics is still enabled and is the primary display.
I follow the suggestions from proxmox passthrough guide:
First you want to blacklist GPU drivers to prevent the host from loading the GPU (we want to use in the VM :D )
echo "blacklist amdgpu" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
echo "blacklist radeon" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
echo "blacklist nouveau" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
echo "blacklist nvidia*" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
echo "blacklist i915" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
After setting this you have to update the ramfs
and reboot the system.
Find Vendor and Devide ID to use for the VM Device (vfio)
Reboot and add raw device (select map all functions)
Nvidia drivers on k3s node
Tips & Trick
Resize disk
Install Qemu Agent
- [CSI]: Container Storage Interface
- [IOMMU]: Input-Output Memory Management Unit. Used to virualize memory access for devices. See Wikipedia