The Raspberries are in two networks. The internal network and a special DMZ for the external communication of the K8S Cluster. This is not done by actual multiple network interfaces but with vlan.
Just by chance my firewall had a free network interface so I chose to actually use a seperate network interface for the DMZ there. I would have used vlan there as well.
I could use pure port-forwarding to the MetalLB-IP of the Cluster.
On my Opnsense firewall I have to configure several things:
- WAN interface to accept inbound web (443) traffic
- Add NAT port-forward for the MetalLB-IP
The firewall has OpenVPN installed. The users are configured on the firewall and the authentication uses OTPT.
The OTP from the Google Authenticator is entered with the password in the
following form: <password><otp>